Monday, March 13, 2006
"Judge not, Lest Ye Be Judged"...And other good ideas
The woman at the ice-cream store was very thin and very tan. Her breasts were huge. She was dressed in Gucci and Coach. I disliked her immediately.

"Vapid. Bratty. Fake." I thought.

How did I know that?

Well, she seemed arrogant, that's why. I cannot put up with boasting or self-centeredness. I loathe vanity.

I kept thinking about her. I kept thinking about my judgments of her. And then I thought about Lent.

And then, I wondered aloud, "Aren't I boastful about my intelligence? My faith? My beliefs and ideas? Don't I announce my beliefs to anyone who stands still long enough to listen? Don't I think I'm better than that girl at the ice cream store? Don't I think my hair is prettier than most others'?"

And then, I asked myself, "Why am I so arrogant?"

I'm arrogant because I'm insecure. If I look down my nose at others, it is only because I find fault within myself. I'm jealous of the thin, beautiful girl, and I have no reason for it.

Which begs the question: Why suffer a hypocrite? I'm suffering with the most arrogant, vain person I know. I'm suffering myself. "

"All is Vanity" C. Allen Gilbert

Written by FRITZ
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Name: Fritz

Location: Detroit Rock City!
Where the weak are killed and eaten

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    What I Live By:
    We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. Through the unknown, unremembered gate When the last of earth left to discover Is that which was the beginning; At the source of the longest river The voice of the hidden waterfall And the children in the apple-tree Not known, because not looked for But heard, half-heard, in the stillness Between two waves of the sea. Quick now, here, now, always— A condition of complete simplicity (Costing not less than everything) And all shall be well and All manner of thing shall be well When the tongues of flame are in-folded Into the crowned knot of fire And the fire and the rose are one. -T.S. Eliot "Little Gidding"

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